Following are the Conditions for PILGRIMAGE.
Our Services will start after cross the Wagha Border(Pak Side)
- The Yatries are responsible for their travel, health and any other insurance.
- Any person may be debarred (Sent Back)from the traveling for using Alcohol, Rowdyism and disobedience during the pilgrimage. In the Bus Seat, First come, First Serve Policy for Everyday
- Pakistani Vegetarian meals will be served during the pilgrimage.
- During the yatra, hotel accommodation will be provided.
- The management, for the comfort, convenience and safety of the Sangat and keeping in view the prevailing local conditions, reserves the right to make any change to traveling plans.
- Although every effort will be made for the safety and comfort of the sangat, management shall not be responsible for any liability in respect of any loss, damage, injury, illness, death due to unexpected,Incident, accident, delay and inconvenience to any person, or his or her luggage or personal property,because of any seen or unseen (terrorism) happening
- Travel Insurance highly recommended for all members of Sangat through R.B.C. In case of cancellation after issuing the Pakistan’s Visa. Administration charges $ 300-00 will be apply.
- In case of Air line Ticket cancellation. Administration charges $ 300-00 will be apply
- If the seat will cancel before 25 Days of YATRA.There will be no Refund.
- Make sure you got Indian Visa as Multiple Visa not Single entry Visa. It’s your responsibility.
- Pick up &Drop after complete Pilgrimage Tour wll be at Attari/Wagha Border Amritsar
- In Hotel,One Room will be provided Two Devotees.
- According to the India Govt. Law, You can’t carry Indian Currency to Pakistan through Wagha Border. Otherwise, India Govt. Will Seize your Currency. You can carry only Canadian or American Currency.
- Prevent from Fake Currency, We will arrange to exchange your currency in Pakistan.
**Important Note For Pakisan Yatra –
- You must have Canadian Passport Only.
- You need 2 Passport size Color Photo’s for Visa (Size 35mm X 45mm)
- If you want to go Directly to Lahore and Come Back to Canada you can do that as well.
- Make sure you got Multiple Visa for India.(If u want to go through India)
- We need your Original Passport for Pakistan Visa.
- During Yatra, Stay will be at good Hotel in Lahore.
- For any other information feel free to give us a call at +1514-576-0429.
pwiksqwn dy gurduAwirAW dI Xwqrw dorwn ilKIAW SrqW hoxgIAW!
swfIAW syvwvW vwhgw bwrfr qo surU hOxgIAW (pwiksqwn vwly pwsy qo!!)
- 1. XwqrI AwpxI tryvl,hYlQ,Aqy hor iksy vI ienSorYs dy Awp jumyvwr hoxgy[
- 2. Xwqrw dorwn Agr koeI XwqrI iksy nwl bdqmIjI nwl pys Awvygw.aus nUM vwps vI ByijAw jw skdw hY[
Aqy Srwb jw iksy hor nSy dw syvn krdw hY qW aus nUM vI vwps ByijAw jw skdw hY[
- 3. Xwqrw dorwn pwiksqwnI swkwhwrI Bojn hI proisAw jwvygw[
- 4. Xwqrw dorwn irhwies hotl ivc hI hovygI[ b`s sIt..!! pihlw Awau pihlw pwau pwlIsI hovygI….!!!
- 5. sMgq dI shUlq nMU syPtI nUUM Aqy hwlq nMU mu~K r~K ky,pRbMDkw nUM AiDkwr hovygw ik auh Xwqrw dw plwn bdl skdy hn,Aqy sMgq nUM aus Anuswr hI clxw pvygw[
- 6. Bwvy sMgqw dI sur`iKAw,Aqy shUlq dI hr sMBv koiSs kIqI jwvygI,pr iPr vI pRbMDk iksy vI XwqrU nMU jW aus do swmwn jw in~jI smp~qI nMU iksy BI vyKI jW AxvyKI AqvwdI Gtnw kwrx, iksy BI iksm dy nukswn,hwnI,s`t cot, ibmwrI ,durGtnw,Akwl clwnw,dyr jW Kycl qO mukq hoxgy[
- 7. sMgqw nMU Xwqrw dw bImw krwaux dI aucycy qOr qy iSPwirS rwiel bYk rwhI kIqI jwdI hY[
- 8. Agr pwiksqwn dw vIjw lgn qo bwAd sIt kYNsl hovygI qW 300-00 fwlr pRqI sIt dy k`ty jwxgy.
- 9. Agr eyAr lweIn dI itkt kYNsl hovygI qW 300-00 fwlr pRqI sIt dy k`ty jwxgy.
- 10. Agr Xwqrw qo 25 idn pihlw sIt kYNsl hovygI.qW koeI rIPMf nhI vwips idqw jwvygw,
- 11.iefIAw dw vIjw.mltIpl vIjw hovy . ieh quhwfI jumyvwrI hY, aus qo bgYr bwrfr krws nhI kr skdy..!
- 12.rvwngI Aqy Xwqrw smwpqI vwhgw bwrfr AMimRqsr ivKy hovygI.!!
- 13.hotl ivc irhwies dorwn iek kmrw do srDwlUAW nUM idqw jwvygw,
- 14.ieMfIAn krMsI qusI pwiksqwn nhI lY ky jw skdy.!. iefMIAw gorimMt dy knMUn Anuswr, jbq kr leI jwvygI..! isrP knyfIAn jW AmrIkn fwlr qusI lY ky jw skdy ho..!
- 15.jwlI krMsI qo bcn vwsqy,pwiksqwn phMuc ky AsI quhwfI krMsI Kud bdlvw ky dyvwgy..!!